• Kirtipur -2, Kathmandu, Nepal

  • info@dwn.org.np

  • 9861908775 / 9841808371

Coordination and Linkage with Local Judicial Committee for Human Rights and Justice of Dalit Women

Protesting against caste-based discrimination, atrocities and gender-based violence.

Expanding Economic Opportunities for Dalit Women to Get Free from Labor Exploitation

Unite. Empower. Transform.

Empowering Dalit Women for their rights, equality and dignity

We are here to support you every step of the way

Awareness Raising and Advocacy for Women’s Rights

Objective : Dalit women are able to increase their awareness level and…

Economic Empowerment

Objective : Women and youths from Dalits and marginalized groups are engaged in enterprises…

Education and Health


Access to inclusive and quality education…

Immediate Relief in Emergencies and Housing Support


The immediate emergency relief has provided to women and other people affected by disasters…

Institutional Development

Objective: Program and organizational activities are implemented smoothly and effectively through the process of…

Welcome to

Dalit Women Network (DWN)

Dalit Women Network (DWN) is one of the Dalit women's rights organizations which was started as a campaign for protecting the human rights of Dalit women in April 2018 at Kirtipur and formally registered as a non-governmental organization in District Administration Office (DAO) Kathmandu on 20 February 2019. It has also been affiliated with Social Welfare Council (SWC). The core interest of the DWN movement is empowering women and holding local government responsive and accountable with a special focus on advancing human rights and access to the development and justice for Dalit women. It has made strong relationships with local government, women organizations, Dalit organizations, civil society organizations, and relevant stakeholders at the local level to raise the issues of Dalit women towards ensuring rights, entitlements, and inclusion of Dalit women.

We’re here to support

Fundraising for the women and girls from
Dalit and Marginalized groups


Core Values

We’re inspiring and helping them to live a better lifestyle

Rights and Dignity

In accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and National Laws, we want to work with a human rights-based approach for rights and dignity of Dalit women.


We provide a commitment to fight against caste-based discrimination and gender-based violence in society in order to create just and equitable society for all citizens.


We express solidarity with the women’s rights movement and processes at the local and national level to promote integrity, accountability, transparency, and respects for rights and dignity of Dalit women.

Participation and Representation

Women from Dalits, marginalized and vulnerable groups, and young people will have important roles in the development and gender justice through their meaningful participation and representation at the decision-making level.

Social Transformation

We believe in the collective action of women’s rights organizations, networks, alliances, and other relevant human rights and justice institutions for social transformation in the lives of Dalit women and girls.


Core Strategies

  • Organize and empower women to fight against caste and gender-based discrimination and ensure human rights and access to justice for Dalit women.

  • Increase community awareness and create an enabling environment to ensure human rights and fair justice for women and girls who are at risk and survivors of caste-based discrimination and gender-based violence in society.

  • Expand economic opportunities for income generation and self-employment of women from Dalits and marginalized groups

  • Undertake evidence-based advocacy for human rights and justice of Dalit women and girls

  • Conduct orientation and training on women’s rights, UN human rights instruments, and prevention of caste-based discrimination and gender-based violence at the local level

  • Use information and communication technology to promote the voices of marginalized and excluded women and girls.

  • Make strong coordination and linkage with various like-minded organizations and individuals to raise women's issues at local and national levels.