• Kirtipur -2, Kathmandu, Nepal

  • info@dwn.org.np

  • 9861908775 / 9841808371

DWN has successfully conducted the following program activities in the last four years to achieve its objectives.

  • Entrepreneurship skill development training, including shoe-making and clothes sewing machines to 25 Dalit women, and two-month shoe-making training, including shoe-making and cloth sewing machine distribution to 22 Dalit women.  A total of 10 Dalit women in ward No.4 of Kirtipur Municipality received two-moths shoe-making training in the cooperation of the Tusal Youth Club. Dalit women have started to produce and market the shoes in a group.
  • A total of 100 school-going children from Dalits and marginalized groups were provided educational materials (book, notebook, pen, school bag, shoes, uniform) to continue their school education.
  • A total of 20 SEE exam attended students from Dalits and marginalized were provided a three-month bridge course to support their further education and future career.
  • A total of 150 women (locally elected Dalit women, women activists, and women group leaders) were oriented with legal empowerment and legal support to prevent caste-based discrimination, gender-based violence, and other forms of discrimination in society.
  • A watchdog committee was formed and mobilized against caste and gender-based discrimination at the local level.
  • A total of 30 women and adolescent girls from Dalits and marginalized groups were oriented about their reproductive health with the distribution of sanitary pads.
  • Basic and advanced tailoring and cutting training to 20 women from Dalits and marginalized groups in wards No. 7 and 8 of Kirtipur Municipality and started tailoring center in a group to produce clothing items for marketing as per the demand.
  • Dalit women group in ward no. 9 of Kirtipur Municipality was financially supported to operate a community grocery shop for income generation.
  • Goat management training to 20 Dalit and marginalized women in wards No.4 and 5 of Kirtipur municipality. An improved breed of goats has been distributed to them at the rate of 2 goats per woman for the purpose of income generation.
  • Three-month music training to 15 youths from Dalits and marginalized groups to encourage youth in promoting musical knowledge and skills.
  • Three-day proposal writing and resource mobilization training for 25 unemployed and educated women to enhance their knowledge and skill to encourage them in raising the fund for community development.
  • Two-day Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) training for 30 women from Dalits and marginalized groups to assist implement the GESI policy formulated by Kirtipur Municipality.
  • Three-day psychosocial counseling orientation to 24 women rights activists and women human rights defenders to provide counseling services for the people affected by psychosocial problems during the COVID pandemic and its aftermath.
  • Health and hygiene kits (masks, sanitizer, soap, sanitary pad, pulse oximeter, etc.) were distributed to 100 women from Dalit and other marginalized groups to motivate them for health precautions, the practice proper hygiene behavior in order to minimize health risks in the present context of COVID-19.
  • A package of food items (25 Kg of rice, pulse/beans, cooking oil, salt, sugar, etc.) was distributed to 70 households of low-income most vulnerable people (daily wage workers), pregnant women, lactating mothers, people living with disabilities and chronic diseases.
  • A total of 40 Dalit women who have survived from traditional occupation (tailoring and shoe-making) and cannot buy new machines due to the economic crisis have been supported with a tailoring and shoe-making machine to promote and set up their occupation as enterprise and business development.
  • In ward no. 4 of Kirtipur municipality, 10 Dalit women were trained through three-day goat management training to promote goat rearing business with 2 hybrid goats provided for each woman.
  • A total of 12 women, including 7 Dalit women from Ward No. 7 and 5 women from extremely poor communities in Ward No. 9 were given two months of training for ready-made cloth production.
  • A total of 50 women from Dalits and marginalized groups have been trained with training on soap making, toilet cleaner, phenyl and liquid soap making.