• Kirtipur -2, Kathmandu, Nepal

  • info@dwn.org.np

  • 9861908775 / 9841808371

  1. Kirtipur Municipality, Kathmandu: Kirtipur Municipality, Kathmandu has been providing funding from 2019 to right now for economic empowerment of Dalits and marginalized women, education support to Dalit and marginalized children, reproductive health awareness, musical training to youths, legal empowerment and capacity building to Dalit women.
  2. Urgent Action Fund – Asia Pacific: Urgent Action Fund had been provided funds to support the families of Dalit and marginalized women through distribution of foods, health and hygiene kits, shoe-making and tailoring machines for Dalit women to engage them with their occupation in the context of COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. TEWA: TEWA has provided grants to build the capacity of Dalit women activists in leadership development, legal aid and self-care and institutional development through office operation and development of five-years strategic plan.
  4. Women’s Fund Asia (WFA): Women’s Fund Asia (WFA) has provided grants to strengthen feminist movement at the grassroots level. The project focuses on the capacity building of Dalit and marginalized women activists and leaders in human rights and access to justice for Dalit women, protective laws, and advocacy leadership. It will mobilize the group and committee against caste-based discrimination and gender-based violence, making coordination and linkage with local government, judiciary bodies, justice actors, civil society actors, and law enforcement agencies etc.