• Kirtipur -2, Kathmandu, Nepal

  • info@dwn.org.np

  • 9861908775 / 9841808371

Provide immediate emergency relief to women and other people affected by disasters and housing support to vulnerable households.

  • Psychosocial counseling support for women affected by psychosocial problems during the COVID pandemic and its aftermath
  • Distribution of health and hygiene kits (masks, sanitizer, soap, sanitary pad, pulse oximeter, etc.) for women from Dalits and other marginalized groups to minimize health risks in the context of COVID-19.
  • Distribution of a package of food items (rice, pulse/beans, cooking oil, salt, sugar, etc.) for households of low-income most vulnerable people (daily wage workers), pregnant women, lactating mothers, and people living with disabilities and chronic diseases.
  • Distribution of tailoring and shoe-making machines for Dalit women to promote and set up their occupation as an enterprise and business development in the economic crisis of COVID-19.
  • Housing support to vulnerable Dalit households
  • Community awareness to reduce the negative effect of a disaster on the lives of people.
  • Advocacy for strengthening community structures, and inclusive risk governance for better preparedness and response at the level of local government.