• Kirtipur -2, Kathmandu, Nepal

  • info@dwn.org.np

  • 9861908775 / 9841808371



Creation of a Just and Equitable Society for Dignified Life of Dalit Women.



Organize and empower Dalit women and other marginalized women to engage with a right-based women’s movement for strengthening their human rights and improving their socio-economic status.



The main goal of the organization is to empower the community with a special focus on advancing human rights and access to justice and development for Dalit women.



  • Increase public awareness and empowerment of women to address the prominent issues of caste-based discrimination and gender-based violence in society and claim rights and inclusiveness for justice and development of Dalit women.
  • Engage women and youths from Dalits and marginalized groups with enterprises and business activities to create economic opportunities and self-employment.
  • Organize and empower Dalit women to address the issues and problems of human rights, justice, education, sexual reproductive health, disaster risk reduction, and climate change at the community level.
  • Promote inclusive local governance to increase the access of Dalit women to development resources and service delivery.